Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The grabbing hands, grab all they can

EVERYTHING COUNTS - DEPECHE MODE I first came across this song when a friend living in Manchester put it on what was probably the first compilation CD (as a pose to tape) I had ever recieved.I suppose this must have been around 2003 as I remember playing that CD to death at the time I had just moved to uni in London. In that first term I often felt a bit homesick and alienated, and this despondent, hopeless pop song for some reason struck a chord with me. The lyrics ('the grabbing hands, grab all they can', 'it's a com-pet-it-ive world') are clearly about Thatcher-ite, yuppie greed and the darkside of the 80s boom, which started with all that happy,loud,colourful fun - defined by Depeche Mode's own 'Just Can't Get Enough' etc. but though it was obviously about all of that, that wasn't really the point for me. I just related to the sadness and resignation of it in those confused, lonely moments. I didn't feel like that all the time, but when I did this is what i'd listen to. That CD was part of my education in synth pop too (another stand out from that disc being 'Flamboyant' by the Pet Shop Boys) and made me realise that electronic music could be emotional. By far my favourite Mode track.


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